Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Grandducks are here!

What a surprise! My husband has been busy today building something else for the ducks. He came and got me when Ethel was leaving the nest because we love to watch her go up and down the ramp.

We were watching her swim when we noticed something move in the nest. Before we knew it the little ducklings started jumping in the water. They didn't use the ramp, they went through the wire and jumped. They are absolutely adorable. We counted six on this first outing. I went outside to take pictures and she quickly escorted them up the ramp and back into the nest.

While they were back in the nest I placed some food down for them, that we bought at the feedstore. She came out and was eating like she was starving. This time her and five babies went for a swim and we think we saw 3 in the nest. What was heartbreaking is that one of the ducklings couldn't find his way back this time. The poor little guy was frantic, but he eventually found his way and all is well.

I should note that my dogs and cats are watching this from the sliding glass door and are getting very insistent about going outside. Not sure how we will deal with them.

Hubby is hurriedly completing the floating island project which will be complete with shade.

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